Is there something you REALLY want to know about social media and digital marketing but you’re not sure who to ask? We offer free advice on social media and digital marketing to charities, co-ops, social enterprise, independent businesses and women’s organisations.

Whether you have a single burning question or a broader issue you’d like to unpick, we are genuinely happy to help.

Common questions include… when is the best time to post on social media? Which social media platform should my charity be on? How do I make images the right size for each platform? How can I make sure I respond to people talking to us on social media without it taking up all my time? What do I do if someone shouts at us on social media? And we can help with all of them.

Some of the issues you might want to explore could be - how do we increase our audience? How do we make sure people in specific areas hear from us? How do we make sure people know when our services are open/closed?

We offer free 15 minute sessions on Wednesdays, and we will do everything we can to help. If we can’t help we’ll say so, too. Book in here (sessions do get booked up fast so you might need to click forward a few weeks) - we look forward to chatting!