A strategy for your social media, marketing or content planning is critical. It sets out what you want to achieve and how - in the long run it saves time. But our clients tell us that it’s often the bit that feels hardest to do.

It’s important but rarely urgent - and so it never floats to the top of the to do list. You need to get messages out about your services, you’ve an event - next week! - to promote, you need to ask for donations, your colleague is off sick, the CEO wants you to share a news story today - these things feel urgent. Strategy will get done tomorrow. Honest.

We can work with you - whether that’s one person on an organisation’s digital, fundraising or management teams - in a short, focused period of time, to identify your key aims and goals, help you set objectives, KPIs or targets.

We can help you identify key audiences, and their needs - what do they want to know, what do they want from you? We can help you understand and articulate your reasons for doing social media at all - what, specifically, do you want to achieve? Our experience tells us that you already know this stuff - what helps is taking the time, in a focused way, to get it all out of your mind and organise it.

After Strategy comes delivery and if you want an extra pair of hands, we can help there too. We can sit next to you, with check ins to keep you on track, or we can work with you, extending your capacity by running your social media for you, or doing odd jobs to move you forwards.

Sound good? Book in for a free chat to talk about how we could help and ask any questions you like.