A Facebook page (or an Instagram account) is not enough...

Social media can be brilliant for small charities and businesses. It can be used, for free, to showcase your work, find clients, and get your message out.

But, as we found out yesterday, putting all your eggs in the Facebook family basket is not enough. Imagine that your charity didn’t have a website, just a Facebook page - what on earth would that mean for you?

We know that small organisations have tight budgets.

We know that a website can seem like an unnecessary expense when social media is so deliciously free.

But the thing about all the social media platforms is - you’re not in charge of them. Even if they never go down again, changes could be made to terms of use which mean they don’t work for you.

If you are a small organisation and need a small website, we can help. (We can also help larger organisations with larger sites but that’s not the point right now…) Drop us a line and let us help you stay online even when, er, others can’t…

becky john